Saturday, July 4, 2009


My second Phylliun discovery after PSG278 I found 10 years ago in Ilanin forest. This one I found in the same location as the previous species (orthomeria sp). Nearly going back home and close to the parked car, took a last check on a cut guava tree that was growing again from the soil in a mess of mixed plants and climbers > lifted a small branch and there they were, 5 small nymphs underneath those leaves protecting themselves from the rain !!!! I was just stunned and could'nt believe it !!! Same species was already found in the island of Marinduque, south-Luzon, only a few months before I found those....!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


bravo pour cette découverte, quel sont les conditions de maintenance de cette espèce? j'ai réussi a me procurer une souche ( oeufs ).