Mount Tapulao > Zambales Province > North West LuzonAgain like the previous rhamphosipyloidea species, not an easy one to find fact just one female
!!! This one has a white / greyish background and the same black dorsal markings. Just like the previous one from Ilanin, it feed problemless on Guava.I found it last end of january 2010 high on Mt Tapulao in foggy / cool environement. Have many eggs but as yet no hatchings, just like its conterpart from Ilanin it seems it is very difficult to incubate the eggs and get hatchlings.......fingers crossed may be some will still hatch :))
Ilanin Forest > Bataan Province > West LuzonNot the average Rhamphosipyloidea species this one.........Found just 1 female so far last august 2009. Beautifull species with a nice fragrant yellow background color and nice black dorsal markings. She laid many eggs but unfortunately only 1 hatched and quickly died as a hatchling. I will go back in a few months now to that same area to look for it again and may be I will be lucky :))